Crimes Of Violence
Violent crimes are taken the most seriously by law enforcement and the courts. There is even a section on felony score sheets that adds points (resulting in increased incarceration) when a person is injured or killed. Additionally, while crimes of violence have less or a social stigma than sex offenses many employers will not hire anyone with a violent offense on their record. That is why it is important to hire a Violent crimes Attorney in Fort Myers, FL immediately after facing charges so you can protect your rights and your future.
Some of the types of violent offenses we handle are:
Assault is a threat of violence, combined with an overt act, which puts a person in reasonable fear of that violence. There does not have to be any actual touching for this offense to be completed.
- How Are Assault And Battery Charges Defined in Florida?
- What Happens if an Alleged Victim Recants Allegations of Assault?
Battery is the unlawful touching of a person against their will. It does not have to be a punch or strike, even a push can be enough. A third battery can be charged as a felony.
Whether an offense is domestic violence is governed by the relationship of the offender and victim. Prosecutors tend to treat domestic violence offenses more seriously than simple batteries. Additionally, the victim may seek an injunction which can prevent the offender from contacting him/her, effect who lives in the home, and even set a parenting plan covering child timesharing.
Aggravated assault occurs when the accused uses a deadly weapon to assault someone (for example, aggravated assault with a firearm).
A battery becomes a felony if the victim suffers serious bodily injury.
A battery can become an aggravated battery if the offender uses a deadly weapon or intentionally causes serious bodily injury.
A manslaughter occurs when the criminal actions of a person unintentionally cause the death of another person.
Murder is the intentional killing of another human being. Third degree murder occurs when an offender encourages someone to commit a crime that results in death. Second degree murder is a heat of passion offense. First degree murder is the premeditated killing of another person.
Whether you are facing charges for murder, manslaughter, felony battery, aggravated battery or any other criminal charge, you need to contact the experienced and qualified Naples Violent crimes Lawyers at our office right away. Our Lee County Violent crimes Lawyers can be reached at (239) 263-4384 for a Complimentary Strategy Session. Our Violent crimes Attorney in Collier County Florida provides services in Naples and Fort Myers, FL.

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(239) 263-4384