Drug Crimes
Drug offenses can carry penalties of incarceration, probation, fines and imprisonment. It is important that you have a criminal defense attorney who can properly defend your case. The attorneys at Faett and Darrow have over 34 years of experience handling such cases. To get in touch with our Drug Crimes Attorney in Fort Myers, FL, call (239) 263-4384 for a Complimentary Strategy Session.
The seriousness of a drug offense is controlled by the amount and type of narcotic. For example, possession of marijuana under twenty grams is a first degree misdemeanor but possession of a large amount of cocaine can be a first degree felony. Florida laws take drug possession seriously. What is a misdemeanor or even legal in another state may be a felony here. Additionally, if you are adjudicated guilty of drug possession Florida law requires a two year driver’s license suspension. Make sure you get in touch with the experienced Naples Drug Crimes Lawyers at our office to avoid harsh penalties and consequences after a drug charge in Naples or Fort Myers, FL.
Selling narcotics is more serious that simple possession. Selling near a church or school can make the charges even worse. Additionally, the State will also add a count for possession with intent to sell doubling the potential penalties.
Trafficking in narcotics is one of the most serious offenses on the books in Florida. The lowest level of trafficking carries a mandatory three years in prison and a $25,000 fine. More serious trafficking charges carry a twenty-five year sentence. You do not have to be caught selling narcotics to be charged with trafficking, it can be based on the weight of the drugs alone. One bottle of prescription pills can ring the bell on a trafficking charge.
Prescription fraud is an area of special attention for law enforcement in Collier, Lee, Hendry and Charlotte Counties. This means more stings and harsher treatment by the State.
Prescription forgery goes hand in hand with prescription fraud. Altering or possession of a prescription is taken seriously by law enforcement and the State.
The Faett Firm has extensive experience dealing with narcotic offenses. We can determine whether law enforcement followed the law in arresting you and, if appropriate, file motions to suppress the narcotics from use at trial. Call our office at (239) 263-4384 to speak with a Drug Crimes Attorney in Collier County Florida at our office. Our Lee County Drug Crimes Lawyers offer Complimentary Strategy Session to new clients.

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(239) 263-4384