Immigration Law
When navigating the immigration system-you need a trusted and experienced attorney. Our legal team can provide you with effective strategies that have proven results. There are two main areas of U.S. immigration law- and the Faett Firm can stand by your side through both. Our Naples Immigration Lawyers have been helping individuals who need help with the immigration process. Call our office at (239) 263-4384 to speak with our Immigration Attorney in Fort Myers, FL for a Complimentary Strategy Session.
Defending Against Deportation
Immigration Court can be a scary place, especially without an attorney. Unlike in criminal court, you are not afforded the automatic right to free legal Counsel in Immigration Court. That means individuals are often times forced to represent themselves against experienced government prosecutors- and without experience in the intricacies of U.S. Immigration law, these individuals are often times left hopeless.
Here, at the Faett Firm, we have helped our many clients through countless immigration hearings and trials to win not only their freedom but permanent legal status in this country. Our Lee County Immigration Lawyers are experienced in this field of law. Call us today to discuss your case with our Immigration Attorney in Collier County Florida right away.
- How Do I Know If I Am In Danger Of Being Deported?
- What Happens At A Removal Proceeding?
- What Is Required In Order To Be Granted Asylum In The US?
Bond from ICE Custody
There are many stages to an immigration case- but most all start with a bond hearing. We file and argue ‘custody redetermination’ motions regularly. Our Firm’s unique ties to the criminal justice system help our clients qualify for bond, when they otherwise would not have qualified. This is because certain criminal offenses can put a person under ‘mandatory detention’ – leaving them unable to bond. However, we are often times able to avoid these ‘mandatory detention’ crimes in criminal court and get our client’s bond in immigration court. Bond hearings are complicated and involve a presentation of supporting evidence and proof- But, we at the Faett Firm have the experience needed to fight for our clients’ bonds and ensure that
they are able to fight their case on the ‘outside.’
Defenses against Deportation
There are numerous defenses to deportation -each with its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, each defense has specific qualifications and requirements that can become extremely convoluted and complicated to determine. The Faett Firm has the experience, training and knowledge necessary to give you a winning strategy for removal proceeding. Some of the most common deportation defenses include:
- Asylum I Withholding of Removal I Convention Against Torture
- Cancellation of Removal
- Adjustment of Status- Application for permanents Residency
- Criminal I Non-Criminal Waivers
- Renewal of Conditional Residency
- Prosecutorial Discretion
- U Visas/ VAWA
- Motions to Terminate
- Voluntary Departure
Gaining Lawful Legal Status (Green-Card)
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. In order to avoid the perils of deportation, many of our clients come to us before any issue has even arisen. We help individuals who have yet to step foot on U.S. soil, those who entered the country illegally and those who have overstayed
their visa. No matter how someone came to this country, there often times is a way to gain legal status for them.
Often referred to as a ‘green-card’- Lawful Permanent Residence- allows a person to live and work in the United States legally. There are a multitude of ways one can obtain this status, but knowing the best strategy to do so is crucial. We at the Faett Firm can help you decide what will be the safest, smoothest and quickest way to legal status.
There are many different visas an individual can obtain in order to enter the country legally. And while not an exhaustive list, some of the most common are:
- 8-1 Business Visitors
- E-1 I E-2 Trader & Investor Visas
- F Student Visas I CPT, OPT & STEM OPT
- H-18 Visas
- J-1 Visa for Trainees and Interns
- L Visas
- 0 Extraordinary Ability Visas
- P Visas for Athletes
- TN Visas for Canadians & Mexicans
- R Religious Worker Visas
Lawful Permanents Residence (a Green-Card) can be obtained through many different avenues. However, largely they break down into two unique categories- Family and Work.
- Through Marriage or Family Relationship individuals can petition for their loved one to remain and work in the U.S. legally. These include:
- Spouses
- Parents
- Children
- Brothers and Sisters
- These petitions involve compiling evidence, scheduling interviews and submitting exhaustive applications- but our experience can help you move through this complicated process not only smoothly but quickly.
- Through Marriage or Family Relationship individuals can petition for their loved one to remain and work in the U.S. legally. These include:
- Certain Careers and jobs can allow a person to obtain lawful Status (a green-card). Depending on the nature of the work- individuals’ employment based petitions may require applications and approval from the Department of Labor (PERM certification), while others may not require a petition from an employer at all (such as self-investment).
The final step to all immigration journeys is citizenship. Our goal is to get our clients there as quickly and as smoothly as possible. Citizenship can be obtained through birth, derivation or naturalization. The most common of which for our clients is Naturalization- which involves extensive applications, interviews, and tests. Our firm will stand by your side through the entire process – and can provide vital strategies for those approaching naturalization so that they can remain qualified.
The main general requirements to naturalization are:
- 5 years of lawful permanents residence in the U.S.
- Good moral character
- General physical presence or continued residence in the U.S. during that time.
Whether you want to apply for citizenship, for immigration or a work permit, contact an Immigration Attorney in Fort Myers, FL to discuss your options. Our Naples Immigration Lawyers have been helping individuals like you since the past many years now. Call us today at (239) 263-4384 to speak with an Immigration Attorney in Collier County Florida. Our Lee County Immigration Lawyers are equipped to take your case.

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(239) 263-4384